In-Home Housekeeping Services for Seniors
In-home housekeeping services for seniors
Keeping the house clean in old age is a tiresome burden. Suffering from old age and its vices like back pain, mobility, balance, and coordination problems make keeping the house clean extremely difficult. A Better Solution Home Care caregivers understand the necessity of a clean and hygienic home. Our caregivers perform light housekeeping services around the house while taking care of the seniors under their care because they understand the positive impact a clean home can have on their physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. A Better Solution Home Care caregivers help maintain their home by performing light in-home housekeeping services such as
Vacuuming and Dusting
Regular vacuuming and dusting can keep the home tidy, neat, and free from allergens. Dust mites, pet dander, hair, and mold can collect on surfaces and floors if a house goes a long time without proper vacuuming and dusting.
A Better Solution Home Care caregivers perform light housekeeping by regularly vacuuming and dusting for the elderly under their care, to keep their beloved homes fresh and tidy.
Decluttering is an important aspect of light housekeeping service by A Better Solution Home Care caregivers. For older adults with vision impairments and physical ailments, cords or other items on the floor can cause health disasters. Falls and fractures are one of the leading causes of elderly people ending up in the ER.
Caregivers at A Better Solution Home Care understand the importance of avoiding fractures at such a sensitive age. They make sure to declutter the floors and counters by keeping them free of cords, turned-up corners of rugs and carpets, and any other item that may be a hazard.
Bathroom cleaning
The number one place for older adults to fall is the bathroom. For older adults living at home, it is imperative that the bathrooms are well-maintained and dry at all times to prevent any slippage or fall.
A Better Solution Home Care caregivers understand the necessity of a clean bathroom. Aside from ensuring that the bathrooms are dry, disinfecting the sinks, counters, and toilet seats is essential to prevent any bacteria or germs from taking root.
Kitchen Upkeep
A clean and well-kept kitchen is necessary for proper physical health. Clean dishes and well-maintained counters keep the germs and bacteria away. Organized cabinets and counters can also help the elderly navigate their kitchen.
A Better Solution Home Care caregivers keep the kitchen hygienic and prevent the dishes from piling up!
Seniors may find staying on top of washing their clothes and bed linens difficult on account of their old age and mobility ailments. Clean clothes and clean bedsheets massively impact the physical and mental health of older adults.
A Better Solution Home Care caregivers weekly perform laundry services for the older adults under their care, ensuring that they have plenty of clean clothes and bed linens to stay comfortably dressed and healthy.
In-home housekeeping services massively help seniors stay independent and healthy. Caregivers at A Better Solution Home Care ensure that older adults are well-looked after, maintaining their dignity and sense of autonomy.